Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Chapter 9: Doons Venture

I were wandering in a golden sunlit field, woods of Wendover surrounding on all sides. I wasnt lost for i always wander in the woods and fields of the Bucks Shire, and anyway i seldom get lost even if i havent been in that particular part of the forest. You see i have a keen sence of direction especially in the hills fields and tree-clad places.
Some folk say that all the forest and trees look the same, but no they are not. If you take care in looking you will see the differences in colour, shapes, sizes, textures, patterns, smells and many more clues. You will see that each tree and plant and all things that grow has a life and spirit of their own. Even the same species of tree grows its shoots and branches in different directions and widths and lengths, so in that way, can you not say they are like us in that we as people are not the same as each other.
Anyway where was i....... ah yes, from the field i ventured into the eaves of the forest and now im feeling right at home, but there is something wrong, i feel a sudden sadness from the air and the wind is blowing more keenly on my face. The TREES! Someone has hewn these hardy trees, and for what, these trees were still lying here and had been for many days i thought after looking closly at them and surrounding ground. These trees were my friends and had voices of their own if you took the time to listen. They had been murdered for no reason.
The forest seemed queer all 3 hours after the noon as though there was more wrong happenings still at work.
I followed the trail of fell wood deeper into the now darkening woods. I picked up a trail of foot prints, they could have been harmless rambles but they seldom make their own path and the already laid track was in the opposite direction. No these prints were laid by a large boot with a feeling of ill buisiness.
As i was getting closer i began to use my hearing more than my sight, for there was no mistaken of a sound that doesnt belong in the woods coming from straight ahead through the bushes. It sounded big and heavy, the ground was shaking. I peered through a gap in the bush and saw.....

To be continued!

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Chapter 8: Doon Took intro

Doon Took is my name, but some have come to call me Cristian, be that of me faith.
Be a traveller, be an artist and be tramping is me game, if you take my meaning.
I am a wanderer tho im not lost, destiny has chosen this path that i walk.
See, i am at my most happiest when im around trees and in the good old forest.
I feel at home, ah home, home is where the heart is. Mine is with the trees, in the wildwoods and forgotten lands.
I venture long and deep in the wild places of Wendover, tho there is not many, there are some.Be shaw that i'll find them.
I walked 7 hours until my legs hurt, they did, mind you i hadnt walked that far in many months past.
I do love a good ramble up, down, in and out of the woody woods of Wendover and round high hills of the Chiltons.
ere's a quote from Gimli son of Gloin for when you are on a long and hard trek when things are queer, 'Faithless is he that says farewell, when the road darkens'. Gota keep the faith.

To be Continued!

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Chapter 7: 2010 AD

2009 AD was my 'yes' year, which means i was saying yes to new things i hadnt done before(like the film yes man). i found new hobbies that i still do now like riding horses and yoga.
2010 AD as my 'New' year, and that means that im going to do lots of new and extraordinary things.
I already have plans to go on an Adventure to New Zealand and travel around to treet my eyes to new scenery,forfil a dream of mine to go on a fantastical journey. I also have another adventure spinning around in my mind and that is to tramp from somewhere in the south east all the way to Scotland, maybe Perthshire. I have desired to go to Scotland for awhile and to get there i will only go through villages (smaller the better) and the rest i will cut cross country. Like we did in the old,old,very old days.

Yes this is a new year but how many of you actually do new things, you gota take whatcha can from this life and give nothing back!