Thursday, 14 January 2010

Chapter 8: Doon Took intro

Doon Took is my name, but some have come to call me Cristian, be that of me faith.
Be a traveller, be an artist and be tramping is me game, if you take my meaning.
I am a wanderer tho im not lost, destiny has chosen this path that i walk.
See, i am at my most happiest when im around trees and in the good old forest.
I feel at home, ah home, home is where the heart is. Mine is with the trees, in the wildwoods and forgotten lands.
I venture long and deep in the wild places of Wendover, tho there is not many, there are some.Be shaw that i'll find them.
I walked 7 hours until my legs hurt, they did, mind you i hadnt walked that far in many months past.
I do love a good ramble up, down, in and out of the woody woods of Wendover and round high hills of the Chiltons.
ere's a quote from Gimli son of Gloin for when you are on a long and hard trek when things are queer, 'Faithless is he that says farewell, when the road darkens'. Gota keep the faith.

To be Continued!